
The big moments you’re talking about Oscars 2016

What a wonderful event to remember!!!

Most expected it to be a memorable show with controversy surrounding this year’s Oscars and it certainly delivered on those terms

The host was Chris Rock Starting who started a monologue that gave a new meaning to the term he went there and there were many moments that got a lot of attention on social media.

What dominated the show was the #OscarsSoWhite and diversity themes and it did not end with Rock’s monologue since many of the jokes during the night focused on the #OscarsSoWhite like some sketch of black actors being inserted into the nominated films or to Rock revisiting his 2005 hosting segment when he visited a theater in Compton to speak to moviegoers there.

The next would be the jokes that fell flat. But the audience did not work just for a couple of laughs. Rock bringing out actress Stacey Dash shocked everyone. The actress recently criticized the #OscarsSoWhite movement as well as Black History Month. She was called to say a few words as the director of diversity outreach and the audience was apparently so stunned that it barely elicited a reaction.

She wrote in her blog: When they added ME to increase the diversity, I’m sure many black people rolled their eyes. I’m not ‘black enough,’ they say. But guess what? I’ve heard that all my life. I would rather be a free thinking, black than a cookie cutter black who thinks — and votes — just like all my friends.” In a way to explain the whole situation.

With someone in a bear suit applauding the movie when it had its best picture nominee montage the umpteenth joke about “The Revenant’s” bear is surely something to remember as well and the funny thing is the camera cut to Leonardo DiCaprio who was stone faced.

Kevin Hart was surely everywhere since Not only did Hart get a shout-out in Rock’s monologue but he kept getting referred to throughout to the point where he looked like a future host. He also presented an award himself but had something important to say which is  paying tribute to actors of color who weren’t nominated.

Another of Rock’s comedian friends made a few appearances … but only backstage: Dave Chappelle.

There are also censored moments during the event. Just like when Hard bleeped in the midst of congratulating black actors in the aforementioned remarks

The red carpet is another thing that would remain in our memories. Alicia Vikander won the Internet with a dress that reminded everyone of Belle’s from Beauty and the Beast before winning an Oscar. One of the colors of this year surely is Purple and so popular that Reese Witherspoon’s and Tina Fey’s dresses looked almost the same. Jared Leto’s quirky sensibility shone through with a bowtie that resembled a rose as always.

A performance that we will all loved made by Biden and Lady Gaga’s Vice President Biden himself showed up in person to the Oscars to introduce none other than Lady Gaga who brought out victims of sexual violence as part of her performance.